SvanetiNews 18.10.2024

“As proprietors of the land and country like ours, I see the future in organic production” - Tamaz Omanadze, founder of "Khomlis Marani"

13.10.2023 02:35



My name is Tamaz Omanadze, and I'm the founder of the organic winery known as "Khomlis Marani." My roots trace back to Lechkhumi, specifically the village of Okureshi. This region offers a wealth of unique Georgian grape varieties. Thanks to the natural conditions, I have cultivated what many might call divine grape varieties, resulting in wines of premium-class quality. 

Saying "premium class" wine might seem effortless, but the reality is quite the opposite: Countless hours of work and drops of sweat have gone into perfecting this craft. Looking at things from where I stand today fills me with pride. One of the pivotal moments on this journey was securing my first bio-certificate in 2016, setting me apart as a pioneer in Western Georgia.

I consider myself incredibly lucky - I became a part of the GRETA project, initiated by the European Union, Sweden and Austria. Joining this project carried forward the momentum of the tireless work I had begun. I first heard about the initiation of this project from Caucascert, the organisation responsible for granting bio-certificates. What truly captivated me was the project's aim to promote organic production – a goal that undeniably aligned with my interests.

The convergence of interests has transformed into tangible results through received donors' aid. It all began with receiving essential technical equipment—a one-ton stainless steel tank, a clarifier, and a bottling machine. I continued receiving important training sessions to support small and medium-sized businesses. Within this program, I was a part of strategically essential courses, acquiring skills crucial for navigating the modern business landscape. Moreover, I received various forms of marketing support and had the privilege of participating in international exhibitions with the aid of our donors. I've been honoured to attend the Nuremberg Wine Festival twice and, more recently, the World Wine Exhibition in London. These opportunities have been essential stepping stones for introducing my products to the global market. We have tangible results in this direction thanks to the invaluable support these events have given us.

At this stage, I can confidently state that I have gained valuable experience from presenting my products on the international market. The impact of GRETA's marketing support persists to this day. If it weren't for the pandemic, I would have established a much stronger presence in the international market. Despite the setback caused by the pandemic, international exhibitions, notably the London Wine Festival, helped to balance this. We managed almost to eliminate the two-year lag caused by the pandemic.

I have often emphasised the importance of international exhibitions, which holds true. Pursuing organic production holds significant importance for a country with land and nature like ours. I advise other entrepreneurs to focus more on this aspect and on producing premium-class products. We truly have the opportunity to carve out our niche globally. 

I must honestly say that when I discuss establishing my wine in the international market, it implies the promotion of Georgian wine in general and the overall establishment of Georgian wine in foreign markets. Therefore, I consider striving for such a shared goal is a significant responsibility. If it weren't for the EU, Sweden, Austria, and the entire GRETA project team, I would have encountered difficulties in pursuing these objectives.

Lastly, I want to mention that I am open to new collaborations and exchanging experiences. My contact information can be found across all search engines, but I would like to emphasise specifically our Facebook page - „Khomlis Marani“. Furthermore, we are in the process of developing our website, which will also be available through the generous support of donors.


With the support of the European Union, Sweden and Austria, 68 small and medium-sized entrepreneurs in the highland region of Georgia have received substantial assistance for their business development.

Take advantage of the upcoming success stories, where incredibly fascinating people will share their experiences with us.

Project GRETA | “Green Economy: Sustainable Mountain Tourism and Organic Agriculture” is implemented by the Austria Development Agency in Georgia with the support of the European Union, Austria, and Sweden. The project aims to improve the business environment and create new income opportunities in two important sectors of the Georgian economy, mountain tourism and organic agriculture.


This material has been produced with the assistance of the European Union, Sweden, and Austria within the framework of the GRETA project.  Its contents are the sole responsibility of the Austrian Development Agency /GRETA Project and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union, Sweden, or Austria.


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#GRETAProject #forthedevelopmentofthemountaineconomy